Laser Light Therapy
Many new advances are currently available and at our office, Laser Treatments are just one of them. Here are some of the functions of this tremendous therapy.
Laser light activated the lymphatic drainage system and causes vasodilation and as a result, can reduce swelling caused by bruising or inflammation and less pressure on pain receptors.
Anti-Pain (Analgesic)
Light facilitates better transmission of nerve impulses via stimulation of neurotransmitter cells reducing and often eliminating pain in peripheral nerves and temporarily suppressing pain receptors.
Improving Vascular Activity
Laser light can increase blood flow to injured tissue which helps the healing process by supporting the formation of new capillary growth.
Accelerated Cell Growth and Tissue Repair
Penetration of the photons of light help to accelerate cellular reproduction and tissue repair.
Many conditions can be treated including but not limited to neck pain, headaches, elbow pain, wrist pain, hip pain, low back pain, foot and ankle pain and shoulder pain. Ask one of the doctors today how laser light treatments could help you.